Invisalign is famous for their effective, removable, and discreet trays. What else is there to know? Actually, quite a bit! To ensure your teeth-straightening treatment is as smooth and seamless as possible, it’s a good idea to start planning before your first set of aligners arrive. To learn a few must-know tips on how to prepare for Invisalign, read on!
(more…)Vanderbrook Family Dentistry Blog
How To: Prepare for Invisalign Treatment
July 25, 2022
How Do Dentists Color Match a Dental Crown?
April 4, 2022
When you first saw your dental crown within your smile, it was hard to believe how well it blended in with your natural teeth. How did your dentist in Dallas do it? With the advanced techniques utilized for modern dental crowns, you receive a personalized restoration that mimics the shade of your natural tooth. It’s not by chance – it’s science. Keep reading for an easy-to-digest look at the process.
(more…)4 Ways to Whiten Your Dentures
March 4, 2022
While wearing artificial teeth, you may be under the assumption that your prosthetics will never stain or become discolored. The reality is that although they are not porous like traditional tooth enamel, they can still become dull over time if you’re not careful. If you want to avoid the potential of walking around with a lackluster grin, here are four ways you can whiten dentures and maintain the beautiful, brighter smile you deserve.
(more…)Here’s How Waiting to Get a Dental Crown Can Hurt Your Smile & Wallet
November 30, 2021
With more than 90% of Americans having at least one cavity by their 21st birthday, it’s safe to say that tooth decay is prevalent. If caught in the early stages, a simple filling may be all your tooth needs to be restored. In more advanced cases, dental crowns are the ideal solution. Although they are extremely lifelike in look and feel, many patients put off treatment due to the price. However, neglecting to get a dental crown can be more costly in the long run. Here’s why!
(more…)Halloween Candy: The Best & Worst Treats For Your Child’s Teeth
October 12, 2021
Spooky season has arrived! Like most children, your little one may be counting down the days until they can dress up in their costume, go door to door, say “trick-or-treat,” and add more candy to their stash. While indulging in a sweet treat or two is part of the fun, it’s important to protect their smiles from cavities after Halloween, especially since the average child eats up to three cups of sugar on October 31st alone. Yikes! To help keep their teeth happy and healthy, here is a list of the best and worst candies when it comes to their oral health.
(more…)3 Ways to Beautify Your Smile This Summer
July 9, 2021
Summer is a time for getting together with family and friends. It’s an opportunity to spend the next several months enjoying the warm weather, going on vacation, and spending your days lounging by the pool or lake. If you want to make lasting memories that don’t leave you feeling embarrassed by your smile, a cosmetic dentist in Lakewood shares 3 unique treatments that will give you the confidence you need to look and feel your best.
(more…)4 Invisalign Questions to Ask Before Starting Your Orthodontic Journey
June 6, 2021
As a busy professional, choosing between traditional metal braces and clear aligners might seem like a no-brainer. A more discreet solution that can produce quicker results is a win-win situation for most adults, but if you are weighing all your options to determine which orthodontic solution will ensure better oral health and aesthetics, it’s important that you be unafraid to discuss with your dental professional and get all the information you need to make a well-informed, confident decision. In this article, we will look at 4 Invisalign questions you should ask when meeting with your dentist.
(more…)3 Foods and Beverages That Can Cause Cavities
April 9, 2021
When you think about cavities forming as the result of a poor diet, you might assume that only candy and sodas are to blame. The truth is that there are far more foods that can cause tooth decay, resulting in a visit to the dentist for restorative treatment. A local dental expert explains which cavity-causing foods can cause significant damage to your teeth and what you can do to ensure a healthier, more beautiful smile.
(more…)5 Myths About Dental Sedation, Debunked
March 19, 2021
Dental phobia or anxiety and nervousness surrounding visiting your dentist is incredibly common among adults. Bad past experiences, a fear of receiving bad news, and overstimulation caused by the sights and sounds of the dental office can all cause adverse reactions to visiting the dentist, but you’re not alone. Dentists want patients to be able to visit them without fear of emotional and mental repercussions, which is why they offer dental sedation. However, there are countless myths out there that may act to sway your decision about receiving this service. Read on to debunk five of the most common myths about dental sedation.
(more…)No One Can See My Missing Tooth — Do I Really Need to Replace It?
January 14, 2021
If you lost one of your front teeth, you would probably be quick to think about getting it replaced. After all, a gap in the center of your smile is easy for onlookers to notice. But if one of your back teeth goes missing, you might not be so eager to get it replaced. If you can still chew your food comfortably and no one can see that you lost a tooth, it might not seem logical to spend time and money on getting it replaced. However, there are big reasons why people with missing back teeth should consider replacing them with dental implants in Lakewood. Let’s talk about some of those reasons.